加沙的冲突和苏丹的饥荒给空间活动和节日精神蒙上了阴影。 Conflict in Gaza and famine in Sudan overshadow space events and holiday spirit.
今天的新闻凸显了加沙持续冲突与伯利恒圣诞节和苏丹饥荒恶化同时发生。 Today’s news highlights the ongoing conflict in Gaza coinciding with Christmas in Bethlehem and the worsening famine in Sudan. 对一年以后的空间活动的审查包括日蚀和次要问题。 A review of space events from the year includes a solar eclipse and minor issues. NPR的Asma Khalid是NPR政治播客的共同主办人。 NPR’s Asma Khalid, who co-hosts The NPR Politics Podcast, is noted for her reporting.