中国品牌主宰了印度的智能手机市场,但在苹果和三星领导的溢价部分落后。 Chinese brands dominate India's smartphone market but lag in premium segment, led by Apple and Samsung.
中国智能手机品牌主宰了印度的整个市场,但在由苹果和三星领导的溢价部分中挣扎。 Chinese smartphone brands dominate India's overall market but struggle in the premium segment, which is led by Apple and Samsung. 尽管占市场总市场的60%以上,但占价格超过600美元的部分的不到6%。 Despite holding over 60% of the total market, they capture less than 6% of the segment priced above $600. 在2024年第三季度,三星和苹果在溢价部分的份额从上一年的90%上升到94%以上,而OnePlus和Vivo的股份则下降。 In the third quarter of 2024, Samsung and Apple's share in the premium segment rose to over 94%, up from 90% the previous year, while OnePlus and Vivo saw their shares fall.