鲍勃·莫蒂默 (Bob Mortimer) 出演了 BBC 的平安夜特别节目《莫蒂默和怀特豪斯:去钓鱼》(Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing)。 Bob Mortimer stars in a Christmas Eve special of "Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing" on BBC.
65 岁的鲍勃·莫蒂默 (Bob Mortimer) 主演了圣诞特辑《莫蒂默和怀特豪斯:去钓鱼》(Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing),该节目于平安夜晚上 9 点 15 分在 BBC 播出。 Bob Mortimer, 65, stars in the Christmas special of "Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing" airing on BBC at 9:15pm on Christmas Eve. 莫蒂默以与维克·里夫斯的喜剧双重演出以及他在BBC的演出而闻名, 他曾经面临过包括心脏手术和带状疹在内的健康挑战. Known for his comedy duo with Vic Reeves and his BBC appearances, Mortimer has faced health challenges including heart surgery and shingles. 这个节目在西南法国拍摄, 特别制作了莫蒂默和保罗·怀特豪斯的捕鱼和分享故事。 The show, filmed in South West France, features Mortimer and Paul Whitehouse fishing and sharing anecdotes.