一名 28 岁的男子因谋杀帮派头目 Albert Enoka 而被捕,Albert Enoka 被发现死在 Naenae。 A 28-year-old man was arrested for the murder of Albert Enoka, a gang leader found dead in Naenae.
一名 28 岁的男子被捕并被指控犯有谋杀罪,这与 12 月 10 日在 Naenae 的 Seddon 街被发现受重伤的 Rebels 摩托车俱乐部前主席兼 Tribesmen 帮派成员 Albert Enoka 的死亡有关。 A 28-year-old man was arrested and charged with murder in connection with the death of Albert Enoka, a former president of the Rebels Motorcycle Club and a Tribesmen gang member, who was found critically injured on Seddon Street in Naenae on December 10. Enoka 当场死亡。 Enoka died at the scene. 嫌疑人在怀拉拉帕地区被顺利逮捕。 The suspect was apprehended without incident in the Wairarapa area. 警方正在寻找更多的闭路电视录像,并敦促公众通过在线门户网站上传任何相关录像或匿名联系 Crime Stoppers。 Police are seeking additional CCTV footage and urge the public to upload any relevant footage through an online portal or contact Crime Stoppers anonymously.