周末在Bay地区发生两起行人死亡事件,其中一起发生在Hayward的肇事逃逸事件中。 Two pedestrian fatalities occurred over the weekend in the Bay Area, one in a hit-and-run in Hayward.
本周末湾区发生了两起致命行人事故。 Two fatal pedestrian accidents occurred in the Bay Area this weekend. 在Fremont,一名31岁男子在Decoto路和Brook mill车道附近被司机击中并杀害。 In Fremont, a 31-year-old man was struck and killed by a driver near Decoto Road and Brookmill Drive. 司机留在现场,并与调查员合作。 The driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with investigators. 在海沃德,星期一上午,一名82岁的男子在一场肇事逃逸事件中受致命伤。 In Hayward, an 82-year-old man was fatally injured in a hit-and-run incident on Monday morning. 司机逃离现场,当局正在寻求资料。 The driver fled the scene, and authorities are seeking information.