Hollison镇行政长官Travis Ahern将在2025年3月领导马萨诸塞州的大麻管制委员会。 Travis Ahern, Holliston's town administrator, will lead Massachusetts' Cannabis Control Commission in March 2025.
霍利斯顿市行政长官Travis Ahern将于2025年3月担任麻省大麻管制委员会新任执行主任。 Holliston Town Administrator Travis Ahern will become the new executive director of Massachusetts' Cannabis Control Commission in March 2025. Ahern在市政府中的经验将是关键,因为CCC准备监管该州80亿美元的大麻工业,并指导联邦政策的潜在变化。 Ahern's experience in municipal government will be key as the CCC prepares to regulate the state's $8 billion cannabis industry and navigate potential changes in federal policy. 这一行动是在前任执行主任Shawn Collins辞职之后采取的。 The move follows the resignation of the previous executive director, Shawn Collins.