西德尼·克罗斯比 (Sidney Crosby) 在 7-3 战胜飞人队的比赛中追平了马里奥·勒米厄 (Mario Lemieux) 在企鹅队历史上助攻最多的记录。 Sidney Crosby ties Mario Lemieux's record for most assists in Penguins history during a 7-3 win over Flyers.
在匹兹堡企鹅队 7-3 战胜费城飞人队的比赛中,西德尼·克罗斯比以 1,033 次助攻追平了马里奥·勒米厄的球队最多助攻纪录,在 NHL 历史上排名第 12 位。 Sidney Crosby tied Mario Lemieux's franchise record for most assists with 1,033, ranking 12th in NHL history, during the Pittsburgh Penguins' 7-3 win over the Philadelphia Flyers. 克罗斯比打进一球并有 3 次助攻,为企鹅队在第一节的强劲表现做出了贡献,企鹅队以 4-1 领先。 Crosby scored a goal and had three assists, contributing to a strong first period that saw the Penguins take a 4-1 lead. 他的最近形式包括他过去六场比赛中的11点和最后十三场比赛中的17点。 His recent form includes 11 points in his last six games and 17 points in his last 13 games.