Scammers用假陪审员电话欺骗人 威胁不交罚款就逮捕他们 Scammers are tricking people with fake jury duty calls, threatening arrest if they don't pay a fine.
Scammers用陪审员的诈骗以居民为目标, 声称受害者错过了陪审员的职责, 并面临逮捕, Scammers are targeting residents with a jury duty scam, claiming victims missed jury duty and face arrest if they don't pay a fine immediately, often via gift cards. 当局警告说,任何合法办公室都不会要求付款或威胁逮捕。 Authorities warn that no legitimate office will call demanding payment or threaten arrest. 如果居民接到电话,官员建议他们挂断电话,联系当地治安官办公室。 Officials advise residents to hang up and contact their local sheriff's office if they receive such calls.