总统及第一夫人鲁托(Ruto)在圣诞节致肯尼亚的祝词中, President and First Lady Ruto highlight achievements and encourage kindness in Christmas message to Kenyans.
总统鲁托(William Ruto)和第一夫人雷切尔·鲁托(Rachel Ruto)向肯尼亚人发出圣诞致辞, President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto delivered a Christmas message to Kenyans, praising health workers, farmers, and teachers for their contributions. 他们强调了经济适用住房和承诺到2032年种植150亿棵树木等倡议。 They highlighted initiatives like affordable housing and a commitment to plant 15 billion trees by 2032. 第一夫人强调解决儿童饥饿问题和促进有机农业。 The First Lady emphasized addressing child hunger and promoting organic farming. 这对夫妇鼓励负责任的庆祝活动和善意行为。 The couple encouraged responsible celebrations and acts of kindness.