Oshkosh男子因在建筑工地入室盗窃而被捕;警察寻找与类似的Fox Valley罪行有关的线索。 Oshkosh man arrested for construction site burglaries; police seek links to similar Fox Valley crimes.
12月,一名35岁的Oshkosh男子因在建筑工地盗窃而被捕,从拖车和工地箱中偷盗工具和材料。 A 35-year-old Oshkosh man was arrested for burglaries at construction sites in December, where tools and materials were stolen from trailers and job site boxes. 福克斯谷其他城市也发生了类似事件。 Similar incidents occurred in other Fox Valley cities. Oshkosh警察局正在调查与这些案件的潜在联系,并敦促任何知情者拨打920-236-5700电话,强调他们对社区安全的承诺。 The Oshkosh Police Department is investigating potential links to these cases and urges anyone with information to call 920-236-5700, emphasizing their commitment to community safety.