尼日利亚部长向弱势妇女和家庭分发食物,作为全国援助倡议的一部分。 Nigerian minister distributes food to vulnerable women and families as part of a nationwide aid initiative.
妇女事务部长伊曼·苏莱曼-伊布拉希姆在联邦首都地区启动了总统博拉·蒂努布的"更新希望年终干预",分发食物以支持弱势妇女和家庭. Minister of Women Affairs Imaan Sulaiman-Ibrahim has launched President Bola Tinubu's "Renewed Hope Year-End Intervention" in the Federal Capital Territory, distributing food to support vulnerable women and families. 该倡议旨在应对经济挑战,并将扩大到全国范围,反映总统对妇女和儿童福利的承诺。 The initiative aims to address economic challenges and will be expanded nationwide, reflecting the president's commitment to women and children's welfare. 这位部长强调,赋予妇女权力是尼日利亚经济发展的关键。 The minister emphasized that empowering women is key to Nigeria's economic development.