印度尼西亚第一个碳中性油漆制造厂商Mowilex通过可持续做法获得第六笔碳净值认证。 Mowilex, Indonesia's first carbon-neutral paint maker, earns sixth straight CarbonNeutral certification through sustainable practices.
印度尼西亚第一家碳中性油漆制造商Mowilex已连续第六次获得碳净化证书。 Mowilex, Indonesia's first carbon-neutral paint manufacturer, has received its sixth consecutive CarbonNeutral certification. 该公司的努力包括在其油漆中使用回收材料,通过绿色技术减少排放,以及支持印度的风力发电项目。 The company's efforts include using recycled materials in its paints, reducing emissions through green technologies, and supporting wind power projects in India. 这些举措帮助印度尼西亚实现其碳减排目标,并支持联合国可持续发展目标。 These initiatives help Indonesia meet its carbon reduction goals and support UN Sustainable Development Goals.