IIM Raipur将于2025年独立接收MBA学生, IIM Raipur will independently admit MBA students in 2025, focusing on CAT scores and interviews.
IIM Raipur将自行参加2025-27 MBA方案,脱离共同接纳进程(CAP)。 IIM Raipur will conduct its own admissions for the 2025-27 MBA program, departing from the Common Admission Process (CAP). 该研究所将根据候选人的CAT分数和个人面试情况对候选人进行评估,以便进行个性化和择优选拔。 The institute will evaluate candidates based on their CAT scores and personal interviews, aiming for a personalized and merit-based selection. 2025年2月10日至3月9日将在8个城市进行访谈,预期在2025年5月10日将提出第一份优选名单。 Interviews will be held in eight cities from February 10 to March 9, 2025, with the first merit list expected on May 10, 2025. 此举旨在提供与研究所教育目标相一致的更有针对性的方法。 This move is designed to offer a more customized approach aligned with the institute's educational goals.