由于西澳大利亚的谷物收成接近2 000万吨,Hart Field-Site Group重新提出谷物研究实习申请。 Hart Field-Site Group reopens applications for a grains research internship as Western Australia's grain harvest nears 20 million tonnes.
Hart Field-Site集团正在重新申请从1月15日开始为期12个月的带薪谷物研究实习,在杂草管理和土壤肥力等领域提供经验。 The Hart Field-Site Group is reopening applications for a 12-month paid grains research internship starting January 15, offering experience in areas like weed management and soil fertility. 在西澳大利亚州,尽管面临气候挑战,粮食收成接近2 000万吨,成为创纪录的第三大谷物。 In Western Australia, the grain harvest is nearing 20 million tonnes, despite weather challenges, making it the third-largest on record. 这一成功归功于种植者在研究和开发方面的专长和投资。 This success is attributed to growers' expertise and investments in research and development.