George Harrison的标志性Futurama吉他 在纳什维尔拍卖会上卖了127万美元 George Harrison's iconic Futurama guitar sells for $1.27 million at a Nashville auction.
George Harrison的Resonet Futurama吉他,用于超过324场披头士表演和第一次录音录音,在Nashville纪念拍卖会上以127万美元出售。 George Harrison's Resonet Futurama guitar, used in over 324 Beatles performances and during their first studio recordings, sold for $1.27 million at a Nashville memorabilia auction. 它于1959年购买,现在是哈里森拥有的有史以来最昂贵的吉他拍卖。 Purchased in 1959, it is now the most expensive Harrison-owned guitar ever auctioned. “Played, Worn, & Torn II”拍卖展示了来自音乐传奇人物如Paul McCartney、Eric Clapton和Prince的800多件物品。 The "Played, Worn, & Torn II" auction featured over 800 items from music legends like Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, and Prince. 王子的萨多夫斯基吉他卖了381,000美元 Prince's Sadowsky guitar sold for $381,000.