在帕萨迪纳(Pasadena)的玫瑰游行后活动Floatfest, 共有15辆食品卡车、现场娱乐、没有现金。 Floatfest, a post-Rose Parade event in Pasadena, features 15 food trucks, live entertainment, and is cashless.
Floatfest是2025年1月1日至3日在玫瑰游行后举行的为期三天的烹饪活动,在帕萨迪纳有15辆食品卡车。 Floatfest, a three-day culinary event following the Rose Parade from January 1-3, 2025, features 15 food trucks in Pasadena. 参与者可以享受各种美食、现场娱乐和凯撒漂浮的照片机会。 Attendees can enjoy diverse cuisines, live entertainment, and a Kaiser float photo opportunity. 此次活动没有现金,票价25美元,提供免费穿梭服务。 The event is cashless, with tickets costing $25, and offers a free shuttle service. 1月2日为老年人和有行动限制的老年人保留特别时数。 Special hours are reserved for seniors and those with mobility limitations on January 2.