英格兰板球队长本·斯托克斯因腿筋受伤至少缺席三个月。 England's cricket captain Ben Stokes to miss at least three months due to a hamstring injury.
英格兰的测试队长本·斯托克斯 (Ben Stokes) 由于在对阵新西兰的第三次测试中腿筋撕裂,将至少缺席三个月。 England's Test captain Ben Stokes will be out of action for at least three months due to a torn hamstring injury sustained during the third Test against New Zealand. 斯托克斯将在 1 月份接受手术,他之前也遇到过类似的伤病。 Stokes, who will undergo surgery in January, has faced similar injuries before. 英格兰的下一场测试赛是 5 月对阵津巴布韦。 England's next Test match is against Zimbabwe in May. 尽管遇到了挫折,斯托克斯对他的康复和重返板球运动仍然持乐观态度。 Despite the setback, Stokes remains optimistic about his recovery and return to cricket.