国会领袖敦促总理莫迪(PM Modi)保护孟加拉语学生免受德里的骚扰。 Congress leader urges PM Modi to protect Bengali-speaking students from harassment in Delhi.
国会领袖Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury写信给总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi), 对德里及其他州孟加拉语学生遭到骚扰表示关切, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury has written to PM Narendra Modi expressing concern over the harassment of Bengali-speaking students in Delhi and other states, alleging that anti-illegal migrant drives are unfairly targeting legitimate Bengali residents. Chowdhury着重提到历史上的移徙,注意到许多孟加拉人在1911年首都从加尔各答迁至德里时搬到了德里。 Chowdhury highlighted historical migrations, noting many Bengalis moved to Delhi when the capital shifted from Calcutta in 1911. 他要求总理进行干预,以保护讲孟加拉语的社区。 He requested the PM to intervene to protect Bengali-speaking communities.