巴恩斯利发生车祸,造成一名56岁男子死亡,一名1岁男孩重伤。 A car crash in Barnsley killed a 56-year-old man and critically injured a one-year-old boy.
周日上午 11 点 40 分左右,巴恩斯利发生一起致命车祸,造成一名 56 岁男子死亡,一名一岁男孩受重伤。 A fatal car crash in Barnsley killed a 56-year-old man and critically injured a one-year-old boy on Sunday around 11:40 am. 坠机事件涉及一辆蓝色VW Polo撞墙和两名行人。 The crash involved a blue VW Polo hitting a wall and the two pedestrians. 司机停下来,正在与警方合作。 The driver stopped and is cooperating with the police. 南约克郡警方正在要求有相关录像的证人或个人通过101或其在线门户网站站出来。 South Yorkshire Police are requesting any witnesses or individuals with relevant footage to come forward through 101 or their online portal.