加利福尼亚州新的选举法使得重新计票费用昂贵,有利于富人,并提出了信任问题。 California's new election laws make recounts costly, favoring the wealthy and raising trust issues.
加州最近对选举法的修改 使得重新计票费用高得令人望而却步, 有利于富人和特殊利益集团。 California's recent election law changes have made recounts prohibitively expensive, favoring wealthy individuals and special interests. 各州现在必须使用从触摸屏设备中计数光学扫描和编码数据的系统,以取代旧的、费用较低的方法。 Counties must now use systems that count optical scans and encoded data from touchscreen devices, replacing older, less costly methods. 1 270张纸面选票的费用约为27 500美元,必须事先由索要者支付,有效剥夺普通选民的权利,并引起公众对选举结果信任的担忧。 Recounts, which cost about $27,500 for 1,270 paper ballots, must be paid for upfront by the requester, effectively disenfranchising ordinary voters and raising concerns about public trust in election results.