凯德·坎宁汉获得了第一个"本周最佳球员"奖, 带领活塞队以2-1的成绩取得了突出成绩. Cade Cunningham earns first Player of the Week award, leading Pistons to 2-1 record with standout stats.
底特律活塞队的凯德·坎宁汉被评为东部地区周球员, 这是他第一次获得此类奖项. Cade Cunningham of the Detroit Pistons has been named the Eastern Conference Player of the Week, marking his first such award. 在12月16日至22日的一周内,Cunningham带领活塞队创了2-1纪录,平均达到27点,5.3回弹,12.7人协助。 During the week of December 16-22, Cunningham led the Pistons to a 2-1 record, averaging 27 points, 5.3 rebounds, and 12.7 assists. 他在对阵迈阿密热火的比赛中取得了18次助攻,20分和11个篮板,获得了本赛季第六次三双. His standout performance was a career-best 18 assists alongside 20 points and 11 rebounds in a game against the Miami Heat, securing his sixth triple-double of the season.