Bunker Hill Mining Corp. 发行多达8.4M的股份以支付债务,目的是为矿山开发节省现金。 Bunker Hill Mining Corp. issues up to 8.4M shares to cover debts, aiming to save cash for mine development.
Bunker Hill Mining Corp.将发行多达840万股的共同股票,用于支付债务利息和融资费用。 Bunker Hill Mining Corp. will issue up to 8.4 million shares of common stock to cover debt interest payments and financing fees. 这些股票共计 710 万股给 Sprott Private Resource Streaming and Royalty Corp.,509,480 股给服务提供商的第三季度费用,543,855 股的第二季度费用,旨在为 Bunker Hill 矿的开发保留现金。 The shares, totaling 7.1 million to Sprott Private Resource Streaming and Royalty Corp., 509,480 to a service provider for Q3 fees, and 543,855 for Q2 fees, aim to preserve cash for the Bunker Hill Mine's development. 这些交易必须经过管制批准和四个月的搁置期。 These transactions are subject to regulatory approvals and four-month hold periods.