Borno州长敦促在下个雨季之前迅速重建失败的Alau水坝。 Borno governor urges quick reconstruction of failed Alau Dam before next rainy season.
Babagana Zulum州州长敦促联邦政府在3月下个雨季开始前迅速重建已倒塌的Alau大坝。 Borno State Governor Babagana Zulum urged the federal government to quickly reconstruct the collapsed Alau Dam before the next rainy season starts in March. 9月份大坝失灵释放了超过1.12亿立方公升的水,造成重大破坏和生命损失。 The dam's failure in September released over 112 million cubic liters of water, causing significant damage and loss of life. Zulum提出由州政府提供合作,以确保重建大坝,而约瑟夫·乌塞夫部长则保证联邦对修复工作的承诺。 Zulum offered the state's cooperation to ensure the dam is rebuilt, while Minister Joseph Utsev assured of federal commitment to the repair.