印度的电影明星Anil Kapoor在他的68岁生日上发布了即将上映的动作剧"Subedaar"的预告片. Bollywood star Anil Kapoor launches teaser for his upcoming action-drama "Subedaar" on his 68th birthday.
Bollywood明星Anil Kapoor庆祝他68岁生日, Bollywood star Anil Kapoor marked his 68th birthday with the release of the first teaser for his upcoming action-drama film "Subedaar." 这部电影由 Suresh Triveni 执导,Vikram Malhotra、Anil Kapoor 和 Triveni 制作,卡普尔饰演一名前士兵 Subedaar Arjun Maurya,他与平民生活作斗争。 Directed by Suresh Triveni and produced by Vikram Malhotra, Anil Kapoor, and Triveni, the film features Kapoor as a former soldier, Subedaar Arjun Maurya, who struggles with civilian life. 这部电影在印度的心脏地带拍摄, 也是明星Radhikka Madan(Radhikka Madan), 预计将于2025年在Prime Video上发布。 Set in India's heartland, the film also stars Radhikka Madan and is expected to release on Prime Video in 2025.