动画协会成员批准了新的合同,增加薪水,改善福利,并保护人工智能. Animation Guild members ratify new contract with raises, improved benefits, and AI protections.
动画协会批准了一项新的与演播室和流水平台的三年合同,该合同得到76.1%的投票成员的批准。 The Animation Guild has ratified a new three-year contract with studios and streaming platforms, approved by 76.1% of voting members. 协议包括在三年内增加7%、4%和3.5%的工资,改善健康和养老基金,防止使用人工智能。 The agreement includes wage increases of 7%, 4%, and 3.5% over the three years, improved health and pension funds, and protections against AI use. 尽管对大赦国际有一些关切,但合同还增加了关于远程工作、性别中立的浴室和免费月经产品的规定。 Despite some concerns about AI, the contract also adds provisions for remote work, gender-neutral bathrooms, and menstrual products at no cost. 协会将继续通过游说和宣传解决与人工智能相关的问题. The guild will continue to address AI-related issues through lobbying and advocacy.