2025年,美国航空公司绕过周边规则,从纽约向蒙大拿和加拿大发射三次新的周末航班。 American Airlines launches three new weekend flights from New York to Montana and Canada in 2025, bypassing the perimeter rule.
美国航空公司将从2025年6月开始,从纽约LaGuardia机场飞往蒙大拿和加拿大的三架新的更远的星期六航班。 American Airlines will introduce three new longer-range Saturday-only flights from New York's LaGuardia Airport to Montana and Canada starting in June 2025. 这些飞行之所以成为可能,是因为放弃“周边规则”,该规则将星期日至星期五的飞行限制在1 500英里或更少。 These flights are made possible by a waiver of the "perimeter rule," which restricts flights to 1,500 miles or fewer from Sunday to Friday. 新路线旨在吸引休闲旅行者。 The new routes aim to attract leisure travelers.