艾梅柏·希尔德 (Amber Heard) 支持布莱克·莱弗利 (Blake Lively) 反对他们的公关公司,该公司被指控针对女性进行抹黑活动。 Amber Heard backs Blake Lively against their PR firm, accused of smear campaigns against women.
Amber Heard 在他们共同的公关公司 TAG Public Relations 被指控进行抹黑活动的情况下支持 Blake Lively。 Amber Heard supports Blake Lively amid allegations of a smear campaign by their shared PR firm, TAG Public Relations. Lively曾指控TAG PR 策划负面宣传。 Heard and Lively have accused TAG PR of orchestrating negative publicity. TAG PPR以前曾和赫德的前夫约翰尼·德普在法律斗争中合作过 TAG PR previously worked with Heard's ex-husband, Johnny Depp, during their legal battle. 文章质疑公关公司在形成反对妇女的公众舆论方面的影响,列举了包括K-pop mugul Min Hee Jin在内的例子。 The article questions the influence of PR firms in shaping public opinion against women, citing examples including K-pop mogul Min Hee Jin. 传闻强调社交媒体的破坏力, 借鉴她自己的经历。 Heard emphasizes the destructive power of social media, drawing from her own experience.