YouTube Inde Channel Inde News的用户达到1 000万,标志着新内容的增长和全球扩张。 YouTube channel Inde News reaches 10 million subscribers, marking growth with new content and global expansion.
由Sudhanshu Kumar的Dashmani媒体拥有的YouTube频道Inde News已获得1000万个订户, YouTube channel Inde News, owned by Sudhanshu Kumar's Dashmani Media, has achieved 10 million subscribers and received YouTube's Diamond Play Button. Inde News报导政治、娱乐、科技及全球事务。 Known for factual reporting and engaging content, Inde News covers politics, entertainment, technology, and global affairs. 为标志这一里程碑,该频道计划扩大,提供独家系列、区域语言内容和增加全球覆盖面。 To mark the milestone, the channel plans to expand with exclusive series, regional language content, and increased global reach.