汽车撞入Waterbury的围栏和石墙后,年轻男子处于危急状态。 Young man in critical condition after car crash into a fence and stone wall in Waterbury.
一名来自Naugatuck的22岁男子于周日清晨在Waterbury的Wolcott街撞上围栏和石墙后,伤势严重,有生命危险。 A 22-year-old man from Naugatuck is in critical condition with life-threatening injuries after crashing his car into a fence and stone wall on Wolcott Street in Waterbury early Sunday morning. Waterbury警察局的崩溃重建小组正在调查这一事件。 The Waterbury Police Department's Crash Reconstruction Unit is investigating the incident. 任何有信息的人都被要求在(203)346-3975与警方联系。 Anyone with information is asked to contact the police at (203) 346-3975.