年轻继承人将继承100万亿美元以上,他们正在引导家庭投资走向可持续性和社会影响。 Young heirs, set to inherit over $100 trillion, are steering family investments towards sustainability and social impact.
" 大财富转移 " 计划到2048年将超过100万亿美元传给继承人,它正在改变传统的家庭办公室。 The Great Wealth Transfer, projected to pass down over $100 trillion to heirs by 2048, is transforming traditional family offices. 千禧年和第十代将继承约85万亿美元,它们正在优先考虑以可持续性和社会影响为重点的基于价值的投资。 Millennials and Generation X, set to inherit around $85 trillion, are prioritizing value-based investments focused on sustainability and social impact. 这一转变正在推动家庭办公室在气候技术、信息技术和可再生能源方面进行更多的投资,这符合年轻一代对具有影响的投资的愿望。 This shift is driving family offices to invest more in climate tech, edtech, and renewable energy, aligning with younger generations' desire for impactful investments.