西澳大利亚州报告预算盈余31亿美元,但支出增加意味着并非所有居民都受益。 Western Australia reports a $3.1 billion budget surplus, but increased spending means not all residents benefit.
西澳大利亚州年中预算审查显示,营业盈余增加31亿美元,增加4.93亿美元,主要原因是铁矿石使用费和印花税的支付额增加。 Western Australia's mid-year budget review shows an increased operating surplus of $3.1 billion, up $493 million, mainly due to higher iron ore royalties and stamp duty payments. 尽管出现盈余,但保健、社区和基础设施方面的支出增加,意味着并非所有居民都看到福利。 Despite this surplus, increased spending on health, communities, and infrastructure means not all residents are seeing benefits. 预算突出了西澳大利亚州经济的实力以及政府为解决住房和生活费问题所做的努力。 The budget highlights the strength of WA's economy and the government's efforts to address housing and cost-of-living issues.