维京人队以 27-24 击败海鹰队,结束了在西雅图 17 年的连败。 Vikings beat Seahawks 27-24, ending a 17-year losing streak in Seattle.
明尼苏达维京人队在西雅图以 27-24 的胜利结束了 17 年的连败,这要归功于山姆·达诺德 (Sam Darnold) 的决定性传球和贾斯汀·杰斐逊 (Justin Jefferson) 的出色表现,包括两次达阵。 The Minnesota Vikings snapped a 17-year losing streak in Seattle with a 27-24 victory, thanks to Sam Darnold's decisive passes and Justin Jefferson's stellar performance, including two touchdowns. 达诺德投出了 246 码和 3 次达阵,而杰斐逊则有 10 次接球 144 码。 Darnold threw for 246 yards and three touchdowns, while Jefferson had 10 catches for 144 yards. 这场胜利巩固了维京人队在 NFC 中作为 #1 种子的地位,并将他们的连胜纪录延长到八场比赛。 The win bolsters the Vikings' position for the #1 seed in the NFC and extends their winning streak to eight games.