自2025年1月起,新加坡向两家新的乘车服务发放临时许可证。 Singapore grants provisional licenses to two new ride-hailing services starting January 2025.
自2025年1月1日起,新加坡的陆路运输管理局(LTA)已经向Transcab Services和Geo Lah发放了临时许可证,作为乘车服务运营。 The Land Transport Authority (LTA) in Singapore has granted provisional licenses to Trans-cab Services and Geo Lah to operate as ride-hailing services starting January 1, 2025. 这些许可证允许公司为安全和服务标准做好准备。 These licenses allow the companies to prepare for safety and service standards. 该长期协议还减少了出租车司机的培训时间和费用,并将在2025年3月进一步审查出租车和乘车业。 The LTA also reduced the training hours and costs for taxi drivers and will review the taxi and ride-hailing industry further in March 2025.