科学家创造灵活的机器人臂 " SpiRobs " ,受大自然的启发,能够完成微妙的任务和重担。 Scientists create flexible robotic arm, SpiRobs, inspired by nature, capable of delicate tasks and heavy lifting.
来自中国科技大学的科学家创造了一个灵活的机器人臂,叫做SpiRobs,受到大象树干和章鱼触角的启发。 Scientists from China's University of Science and Technology have created a flexible robotic arm, named SpiRobs, inspired by elephant trunks and octopus tentacles. 手臂可以抓住鸡蛋等精细的物品,捕捉网球,同时支撑其重量达260倍的负载。 The arm can grasp delicate items like eggs and catch a tennis ball while supporting loads up to 260 times its weight. 它使用3D印刷和负担得起的材料制造,显示出商业用途的潜力,包括在无人驾驶飞机上用于举水桶等任务。 Made using 3D printing and affordable materials, it shows potential for commercial use, including in drones for tasks like lifting water buckets.