Ricketts家族在2023至24年的内布拉斯加政治上花费了880万美元, The Ricketts family spent a record $8.8 million on Nebraska politics in 2023-24, raising influence questions.
Ricketts家族由内布拉斯加州参议员Pete Ricketts领导, 在2023至24年选举周期中打破了880万美元的政治支出记录, 占内布拉斯加州所有政治捐款的9%以上。 The Ricketts family, led by Nebraska Senator Pete Ricketts, broke records with $8.8 million in political spending during the 2023-24 election cycle, accounting for over 9% of all political contributions in Nebraska. 大部分资金来自Marlene Ricketts,是家族家长Joe Ricketts的妻子,后者共同创立了TD Ameristrade。 The majority of the funds came from Marlene Ricketts, wife of family patriarch Joe Ricketts, who co-founded TD Ameritrade. 这笔支出使Ricketts自2014年以来的政治贡献总额至少达到1 860万美元, 令人质疑他们对国家政治的影响。 This spending brings the Ricketts' total political contributions since 2014 to at least $18.6 million, raising questions about their influence on state politics.