昆士兰警方紧急搜寻一名来自布里斯班的15岁男孩,该男孩自11月12日以来失踪。 Queensland Police urgently search for a 15-year-old boy from Brisbane missing since Nov. 12.
一个来自布里斯班Bowen Hills的15岁男孩从11月12日起失踪,警方对其进行了紧急搜索。 A 15-year-old boy from Bowen Hills, Brisbane, who has been missing since November 12, is the subject of an urgent police search. 最后一次见到在Gravatt山的洛根路附近, 白种男孩棕发黑眼睛有病。 Last seen near Logan Road in Upper Mount Gravatt, the Caucasian boy with light-brown hair and dark eyes has a medical condition. 昆士兰警方正在呼吁获得有关他下落的任何信息。 Queensland Police are appealing for any information on his whereabouts.