总统当选总统特朗普计划将Denali重新命名为McKinley山, 推翻奥巴马2015年的决定。 President-elect Trump plans to rename Denali back to Mount McKinley, reversing Obama's 2015 decision.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普计划改名为迪纳利 北美最高的山峰 回到麦肯利山 President-elect Donald Trump plans to rename Denali, the tallest mountain in North America, back to Mount McKinley. 2015年由总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)将这座山从麦金利更名为德纳利(Denali), The mountain was renamed from McKinley to Denali in 2015 by President Barack Obama, reverting to the native Athabascan name meaning "The High One." 特朗普说,麦金利,第25任总统, 应该得到这一荣誉。 Trump argues that McKinley, the 25th president, deserves the honor. 名称更改过程复杂,需要美国地名委员会批准。 The name change process is complex and requires approval from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.