PayU介绍LazyPay EMI在印度进行高价值采购,使每月在没有信用卡的情况下容易付款成为可能。 PayU introduces LazyPay EMI for high-value purchases in India, enabling easy monthly payments without a credit card.
PayU已将LazyPay EMI纳入其结账平台,提高了印度高价值采购的支付灵活性。 PayU has integrated LazyPay EMI into its checkout platform, enhancing payment flexibility for high-value purchases in India. 这使顾客可以购买价格在5 000至1 000瓦之间的物品,可选择3至12个月的偿还期,而不需要信用卡。 This allows customers to buy items costing between ₹5,000 and ₹1 lakh with repayment options from 3 to 12 months, without needing a credit card. 该伙伴关系旨在通过提供顺利和安全的结账程序,促进数字信贷的使用,增加商人的销售额。 The partnership aims to boost digital credit use and increase sales for merchants by offering a smooth and secure checkout process.