巴布亚新几内亚的足球队Kapuls赢得了2024年在所罗门群岛举行的MSG总理杯赛。 Papua New Guinea's soccer team, the Kapuls, won the 2024 MSG Prime Minister’s Cup in the Solomon Islands.
巴布亚新几内亚国家足球队Kapuls赢得了2024年在所罗门群岛举行的MSG总理杯赛, Papua New Guinea's national soccer team, the Kapuls, won the 2024 MSG Prime Minister’s Cup in the Solomon Islands, finishing with 10 points and three wins. Alwin Komololong上尉将他们的成功归功于谦卑的心态。 Captain Alwin Komolong credited their success to a humble mindset. 团队的胜利标志着尊严的回升,提供了信心的增强,尽管他们必须保持一贯的准备和支持,以维持其成功。 The team's victory marks a comeback in respectability and provides a confidence boost, though they must maintain consistent preparation and support to sustain their success.