巴基斯坦演员Umer Aalam提议在飞行中向女友求婚, 引起欢庆和批评。 Pakistani actor Umer Aalam proposes to girlfriend mid-flight, sparking both celebration and criticism.
巴基斯坦演员Umer Aalam在一次飞行中向女友求婚, Pakistani actor Umer Aalam proposed to his girlfriend during a flight, capturing the moment in a viral video. 该提议得到机组人员的支持,看到Aalam表达他的爱,要求他的女朋友嫁给他,她接受了。 The proposal, with support from the flight crew, saw Aalam express his love and ask his girlfriend to marry him, which she accepted. 虽然许多人祝贺这对夫妇,包括同业演员,但有些人批评该提案是一种宣传伎俩,并质疑其在伊斯兰国家是否适当。 While many congratulated the couple, including fellow actors, some criticized the proposal as a publicity stunt and questioned its appropriateness in an Islamic state.