9 岁的哈维·古德曼 (Harvey Goodman) 参加了铁人三项比赛,为儿童的心理健康筹集了 30,000 英镑。 Nine-year-old Harvey Goodman joins a triathlon to raise £30,000 for children's mental health.
九岁的哈维·古德曼将加入Brianna Ghey的母亲的三重挑战中, 为孩子的心理健康筹集超过三万英镑。 Nine-year-old Harvey Goodman will join Brianna Ghey's mother in a triathlon challenge to raise over £30,000 for children's mental health. 该活动包括游泳1.2英里、骑自行车56英里、跑16英里。 The event involves a 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike ride, and 16-mile run. 哈维的目的是在奥林匹克三联赛和一名健身专家的支持下,促进学校的心理健康意识和包容性。 Harvey aims to promote mental health awareness and inclusion in schools, supported by Olympic triathletes and a fitness expert. 可在gofundme.com/f/Harvey-Challenge访问筹款活动。 The fundraiser can be accessed at gofundme.com/f/Harveys-challenge.