国家人权委员会调查两名工人在泰米尔纳德邦被电刑致死的事件,并寻求官员的报告。 NHRC investigates electrocution deaths of two workers in Tamil Nadu, seeks reports from officials.
国家人权委员会(NHRC)正在调查两名在泰米尔纳德邦修补电力线的合同工人被电刑致死的事件。 The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is investigating the electrocution deaths of two contract workers repairing power lines in Tamil Nadu. 国家人权委员会已经向高级官员发出通知,要求在两周内提交一份详细的报告,包括有关情况报告、对受害者家属的赔偿以及防止今后发生事件的步骤等信息。 The NHRC has issued notices to top officials, seeking a detailed report within two weeks, including information on the FIR, compensation to the victims' families, and steps to prevent future incidents. 初次报告表明,电力没有完全关闭,工人缺少防护设备。 Initial reports suggest the power was not fully turned off and workers lacked protective gear.