Mudassar Khan, Bollywood 舞蹈编舞家, 和他的妻子欢迎他们的第一个孩子, 一个女婴。 Mudassar Khan, Bollywood choreographer, and his wife welcomed their first child, a baby girl.
Mudassar Khan是著名的Bollywood舞蹈编舞者,他的妻子Riya Kishandhandani欢迎她们的第一个孩子,即一名女婴。 Mudassar Khan, a renowned Bollywood choreographer, and his wife Riya Kishanchandani have welcomed their first child, a baby girl. 他们在社交媒体上宣布新闻,分享他们的欢乐,并对他们的追随者的爱和支持表示感谢。 They announced the news on social media, sharing their joy and expressing gratitude for love and support from their followers. 这对夫妇一年前结了婚 这是他们一起的第一个孩子 The couple got married a year ago, and this is their first child together. Mudassar以他在Bollywood的作品著称, 并担任“印度舞蹈第4季”的法官。 Mudassar is known for his work in Bollywood and as a judge on "Dance India Dance Season 4."