密歇根州很容易击败Purdue-Fort Wayne 89-58, Tre Donaldson领先得分16分。 Michigan easily beats Purdue-Fort Wayne 89-58, with Tre Donaldson leading scorers with 16 points.
没有 No. No. 24 密歇根州周日巧妙地击败了Purdue-Fort Wayne 89 -58 24 Michigan handily defeated Purdue-Fort Wayne 89-58 on Sunday. Tre Donaldson以16点和6次反弹率领先密歇根州,小组有5名双倍数字的球员。 Tre Donaldson led Michigan with 16 points and six rebounds, and the team had five players in double figures. 密歇根从一开始就占据主导地位 头八分钟内领先23 -4 Michigan dominated from the start, holding a 23-4 lead within the first eight minutes. 尽管Jalen Jackson在Purdue-Fort Wayne的27分中得分 其他马斯托顿的得分都超过6分 Despite Jalen Jackson's 27 points for Purdue-Fort Wayne, no other Mastodon scored more than six points. 密歇根州于12月29日返回行动。 Michigan returns to action on December 29.