Kevin Murphy, 34岁,被控袭击两名非值班爱尔兰警官和抢劫一名警官,将继续被拘留。 Kevin Murphy, 34, charged with assaulting two off-duty Irish police officers and robbing one, will remain in custody.
Kevin Murphy 34岁的Kevin Murphy同意在被指控在都柏林的寺庙酒吧袭击两名非值班爱尔兰警官后继续羁押,一名警官伤势严重。 Kevin Murphy, 34, has consented to stay in custody after being charged with assaulting two off-duty Irish police officers in Dublin's Temple Bar, leaving one in critical condition. 墨菲还被指控抢劫 受伤的警官 他的手机和钱包。 Murphy is also accused of robbing the injured officer of his phone and wallet. 他和他的同案被告Johnathan O'Neill(32岁)被拒保释。 He and his co-accused, Johnathan O'Neill, 32, were denied bail. 两名男子定于1月20日通过视频连线再次出庭。 Both men are set to appear in court again on January 20th via video link. 警方正在利用闭路电视录像调查这一事件。 Police are investigating the incident with the help of CCTV footage.