印度为孟买-艾哈迈德巴德子弹列车安装了206 000多个噪音屏障,以抑制噪音污染。 India installs over 206,000 noise barriers for Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train to curb noise pollution.
孟买-艾哈迈德巴德子弹列车项目在103公里的管道沿线安装了206 000多个噪音屏障,每个屏障的高度为2米,宽度为1米。 The Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project has installed over 206,000 noise barriers along its 103 km viaduct, with each barrier measuring 2 meters in height and 1 meter in width. 这些屏障旨在减少火车和民用结构的噪音污染。 The barriers aim to mitigate noise pollution from the train and civil structures. 该项目还完成了243公里多的管道建筑、352公里的码头工程和362公里的码头基础工程。 The project has also completed over 243 km of viaduct construction, 352 km of pier work, and 362 km of pier foundation work. 其目的是减少旅行时间和加强区域发展,定于2026年完成。 It aims to reduce travel time and enhance regional development, set to be completed by 2026.