IIT Madras 发射 AMOLED 研究中心,为设备开发具有成本效益的下一代显示器。 IIT Madras launches AMOLED Research Centre to develop cost-effective next-gen displays for devices.
IIT Madras创办了AMOLED研究中心(ARC),由电子和信息技术部(MeitY)和国防研究与开发组织(DDO)提供资金。 IIT Madras has launched the AMOLED Research Centre (ARC), funded by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). ARC旨在为智能手机和平板电脑等设备开发下一代AMOLED显示器,侧重于成本效益高的制造技术和建立模块式微要素。 The ARC aims to develop next-generation AMOLED displays for devices like smartphones and tablets, focusing on cost-effective manufacturing techniques and the establishment of modular micro-factories. 全球AMOLED市场价值约为150亿美元,预计将增长。 The global AMOLED market is valued at around $15 billion and is projected to grow.