Greenville消防员在星期天迅速控制并扑灭了Honor Ridge公寓的火灾;没有伤亡报告。 Greenville firefighters quickly contained and extinguished a fire at Honor Ridge Apartments on Sunday; no injuries reported.
来自Greenville的消防员在星期日下午2点45分对皮特县Honor Ridge公寓发生火灾作出反应。 Firefighters from Greenville responded to a fire at Honor Ridge Apartments in Pitt County on Sunday at 2:45 pm. 火灾控制在一个公寓里,下午3时熄灭。 The fire was contained to one apartment and extinguished by 3 pm. 屋主不在场,但宠物被安全疏散。 The homeowner was not present, but pets were safely evacuated. 没有报告有人受伤,正在调查火灾原因。 No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.