Gameto 宣布从体外成熟的卵子中首次诞生,这是 IVF 技术的一项突破。 Gameto announces first birth from an egg matured outside the body, a breakthrough in IVF technology.
Gameto是一家生物工程公司,它宣布使用Fertilo产品从体外成熟的卵子中首次出生。 Gameto, a bioengineering company, has announced the first human birth from an egg matured outside the body using its Fertilo product. 这一创新过程利用经过工程设计的卵巢细胞在实验室中使蛋成熟,将IVF治疗周期大大减少到3天,并减少了对荷尔蒙注射的需求。 This innovative process uses engineered ovarian cells to mature the egg in a lab, significantly reducing IVF treatment cycles to three days and decreasing the need for hormone injections. 该技术仍处于 3 期试验中,可以使 IVF 更容易获得,对患者的体力要求更低。 The technology, which is still in Phase 3 trials, could make IVF more accessible and less physically demanding for patients.