前澳大利亚保守派政治家Kevin Andrews, 服务31年, 荣获国家葬礼的荣誉。 Former Australian conservative politician Kevin Andrews, who served 31 years, honored at state funeral.
前澳大利亚政治家凯文·安德鲁斯(Kevin Andrews), 保守派卫士, 以其坚定的信仰而闻名, 在墨尔本举行的国家葬礼上荣获荣誉。 Former Australian politician Kevin Andrews, a conservative champion known for his strong beliefs, was honored at a state funeral in Melbourne. 安德鲁斯曾任首相约翰·霍华德和托尼·阿博特的部长,在与癌症进行长达一年的战斗后去世。 Andrews, who served as a minister under Prime Ministers John Howard and Tony Abbott, passed away after a year-long battle with cancer. 他代表门济斯选民31年,因致力于保守事业而受到政治家的缅怀。 He represented the Menzies electorate for 31 years and was remembered by politicians for his dedication to conservative causes.